Knowing the Right Tool for the Job

Day 28 of the 30 Day Blogging Challenge from TeachThought... Respond: Should Technology drive curriculum or vice versa? This is a great question to reflect on in this day and age of "more technology, more technology, more technology"! I have thought long and hard about this question over the past two years and have had to answer it countless times for faculty, parents, students and other stakeholders. In my opinion, curriculum is always the focus and technology is meant to enhance the delivery, application, and/or acquisition. Photo credit: We are a 1:1 school where our students bring their own laptops. In addition, we have iPads available for teachers to use in their classrooms when a mobile device seems more appropriate. We have done a lot of training of our faculty; we have a Tech Committee made up of teachers who have participated in the visioning process and provided a sounding board for me as the Administrator. We h...