An Attitude of Gratitude

August 15, 2014: The first day of the new school year.  As the days leading up to Friday whizzed by in a blur, filled with meetings, a retreat, problem solving and trouble shooting, I could not help but reflect on the idea of #Gratitude.

The time leading up to Friday was filled with numerous challenges to overcome--every school has more problems than time or manpower to solve it seems.  However, the staff that I work with are miracle workers.  At every turn someone was already problem-solving for me, allowing me to stay on track.  They keep me informed which allows me to have answers when others ask.  They bring my zany ideas to life, making me "look good".  They remind me of my obligations so that nothing falls through the cracks.  As a second-year Administrator, I am nothing if I am not grateful to be surrounded by such professional and caring individuals.  (I also know that I owe a few bottles of wine to individuals who have worked and do work extremely hard for me! ) #Gratitude

Fan-girling it at work!
Friday arrived in all it's high school crazy-ness. Students bring with them such bright and vibrant energy.  And it is nothing if not infectious! Because I teach in a Catholic school, and because this particular Friday is also a Holy Day of Obligation in the Catholic church, we scheduled a mass as part of the first day activities.  When we arrived at mass, there was an unexpected surprise waiting for us: the music worship was being led by Jesse Manibusan.  "WOW!" I said to myself as I walked in, "Our Campus Ministry team #ROCKS!" He is nothing short of a rock star.  And just to underscore the awesomeness that is Jesse, a few of us on staff are what you might call "groupies" so after the students had left, he gave us a private concert.  What a way to kick off the year, and what a generous soul to do that for us.  #Gratitude!

This year, as with every new year, is full of promise and opportunity.  That is the beauty of being an educator.  I am going to use this year to focusing on the moments that I am grateful for.  There is no point is having  job that makes you unhappy.  Life is too short.  So #Gratitude will be my mantra this year and I will strive to me a model of #gratitude to our community.  One of my goals is to take time to recognize faculty, staff and students every week in quiet ways.  Another goal is to build some new connections with other schools to allow meaningful collaboration and sharing.  I benefit daily from the work of others, so sharing ideas and appreciation are ways that I can make sure I am giving back and expressing my #Gratitude.

Make sure you let people know that you are grateful for them and their presence in your life.  It is so easy for us to get caught up in the stuff that bugs us, weighs us down, frustrates us.  I do that too.  But I am going to intentionally work to make extra space for moments of #gratitude  this year.  Because as soon as I forget what I am grateful for, I might as well pack it in and find a new career.

What are you grateful for this year?


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