When Paths Converge

With the Jedi Master himself! This past week I was one of an incredibly lucky group of Administrators who had the great fortune to attend the inaugural CUE RockStar Admin Camp . For three glorious days, we escaped our offices and converged on Skywalker Big Rock Ranch in Marin. While here we engaged in conversations that made our heads hurt by the end of the day, but also left us wanting more. Underlying our three days was the idea of the Hero's Journey. Here is a great video to explain this concept: While we were exhausted on Saturday, it was still a bit hard to leave, at least for me, because I knew that I needed more time to process all that I had taken in during that short time. Simultaneously I began reading Switch . As I am trying to digest and organize all that I took away with me from RockStar Camp, I was struck by the appropriateness of my current reading selection. Eric Saibel was one of my Yoda's at RockStar, and I...