Iterate, Iterate, Iterate!
Photo Credit As we finish week two, I feel like our ship is ready to jump to warp speed for the school year. Only I am not sure that all of the supports are in place to allow for the jump. I feel like Scotty in the Engine Room saying we need more power or the engines won't hold for warp speed (my sci-fi alter-ego). And then I had the opportunity to talk to some of our new parents about what we do at Notre Dame. This conversation--for which I was joined by my colleague Rebecca Girard , who among other things is our Ed Tech Instigator--reminded me of Carol Dweck's work and the idea of a Growth Mindset. And suddenly, I was looking at the fact that the "ship" is ready to make the jump to warp speed (or FTL as it is known in the current sci-fi shows) without all the supports fully in place as my own opportunity to model Growth Mindset. How perfect! As educators we constantly are talking about the idea of FAIL = First Attempt in Learning, and that b...