Reflecting on my #PLN

Photo Credit People reflect and write a lot about how much they love their #PLN. You can set up an IFTTT recipe to thank new followers on Twitter, the hashtag #FF is a popular tag on Fridays to recognize people you respect and want to acknowledge publicly for great contributions to your learning, and Twitter provides analytics that allow you to review and track reach and followers. All of this is great. And I know many people who are as data-driven in their personal lives as they are professionally. In this day of social media, if you want to grow in any field, you have to put yourself "out there". I understand that, and honestly, I work at it in spurts. There are many a night when you can find me marveling at the Google analytics for my blog. Hey, who doesn't like to see a new country pop up on your map of readership? But reach and data are not what I want to write about. For me, my #PLN has become something much more persona...