To Dream the Impossible Dream...
Photo Credit It has been one week since the start of #CUE14 and I am only now having the chance to start reflecting on my experience. It was a fabulous 4 days of connecting, learning, reflecting, and dreaming (I stayed for the Google summit as well). My top take-always would have to be (in no particular order) - getting to connect with members of my far-flung #PLN in person is a priceless opportunity and great way to dive deep into some conversations normally limited to 140 characters -attending with a small team from my site, meant more excitement as we shared and debriefed - it was #CUE13 that started me on my journey of Twitter, presenting at conferences, becoming a better educator, blogging, evangelizing to the "un-churched" about how school can and needs to be better if we would only try; what a difference a year makes! - there is always something new to learn -we all have skills, tips, tricks, ideas that can, should, and need to be shared While...