A New Renaissance

http://goo.gl/hN3wJH The Renaissance is perhaps the most popular example in the western world of creativity And why not? Just think of the art, architecture, and literature that we have inherited from that time. We marvel today at the ingenuity and originality of the times. And we sometimes long for just a smidgen of the talent represented by that era. I believe that technology is presenting us with an opportunity to reclaim some of that creativity and originality. I believe we are living in a new renaissance. However, because it is driven by technology I think many discount the potential. When Brunelleschi figured out how to complete the duomo atop Santa Maria in Florence in the 15th century, he was creating. He saw a problem and took a risk. The result? A spectacular piece of architecture that is still marveled at today. He had some tools at his disposal and with some design thinking, built a structure ...