Have it Your Way...Personalizing Professional Development

This week we had our first "official"--as in calendared so you MUST participate--Professional Development opportunity. Let me first clarify that the calendar was something I inherited and the system of scheduling PD is, as I am aware, starting to go the way of VHS tapes. Be that as it may, the day was on the calendar so I had to do something. Oh. I have to plan an afternoon (only 2 hours were officially designated for PD as the morning was dedicated to National Testing Day) that is meaningful and valued by all departments? Really? O.K. Time to implement some of those "Best Practices" that I have been hearing about and talking about with my Twitter PLN. This blog is my chance to reflect on how the day was organized and start to plan for any changes that should be implemented before our next PD day (that one is in the Spring). Step 1: Information Gathering My thoughts, very early on, were that 2 hours were in no way sufficient to br...