It's Not Your Parent's Classroom Anymore

There has been a lot of chatter lately in the Twittersphere and at conferences about two ideas that seem to be slowly gaining traction in education: 1. Project Based Learning (PBL)--and you might as well include 20% Time in that conversation, and 2. the notion of schools being THE best place to allow our students to fail. I have been ruminating on both of these concepts a lot the past few months. In this post I am going to attempt to tackle both succinctly and intelligently Let's start with the first one: PBL/20% Time. finally came to the realization that this is the way to approach learning at all grades. And it only took my 7 year old and a talking bus to help me realize this. After all, I'm a history teacher by trade so how exactly does one teach the French Revolution or the writing of the U.S. Constitution or the origins of civilization or the causes of WWI as a project? I know that all you PBL evangelists are moaning at t...