Connected Educator Month: Find Your Voice

Photo Credit: October 2013 was Connected Educator Month. Twitter Chats referenced it, the hashtag #ce13 was popular, people reflected on the idea of being a connected educator, and @arneduncan even moderated a chat for #edtechchat at the end of the month! The official website: was, and is, full of lots of information to help anyone become a more connected educator. Questions such as: "How do you stay connected", " Why is it important to be a connected educator", and "What does it mean to be a connected educator" were discussed throughout the month. Though I very much enjoy participating in Twitter chats and have come to greatly value the PLN that I have created, I must be honest: it wasn't until the end of October that I began to truly reflect on this phenomenon of Connected Educator Month. So with the turn of the calendar page to a new month, I felt it appropriate to pause and consider ...